Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tiny Tips in the Kitchen

1.  After eating anything that sticks or hardens for example cereal, rice, cheese or any kind of sauce fill it with water to the top of the bowl or soak in sink if a plate.  Then you can wash it easier the next day, or if you don't have a dish washer.  Or if you only have one dish and don't need to start the dish washer yet.

2.  At the bottom of every sink there is food particles that fill the drain filter cup.  Clear it out each moment you see its full to the very last particle for example the tiniest onion slice, noodle, or piece of lettuce.  Doing this will solve the problems of a clogged, dirty or smelly sink.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Every Step a Battle: Finding a Job

Looking for work.  There is gas, the clothes, the time it will take to get a job, have the skills, and right attitude. And to be ready to fill out tax forms, application, interview, and to wait for a call back.  Then there is the moment of truth, answering the question,  "Why do you want this job?"  This is the ice breaker of all interview questions because it is the only time your heart rings and the colors of your personality flair in the response to this one question.

The clock is ticking, minds are churning, and you the job candidates heart is burning.  You start to wonder by the second the idea of the position comes to mind and you see that the resources are all right in front of you from the advertisement to the contact information.  You begin to research the company first and notice that there isn't that much on the web site that you feel you can grasp and your palms begin to sweat.  You make the telephone call to the general company and the switch board operator transfers your call a few times as it bumps back to her before you get a voice mail of the human resources office.  Then for the companies or agencies that don't have such a department as human resources, you ask to speak to the hiring manager.

You begin to feel the tension when they tell you that they are busy or not in right now and you ask them what a better time to call would be as you refrain from giving a message for them to relay to the hiring manager.  While the employee on duty asked you for a message you keep if brief as a little goes a long way as you know and put a little check mark or notation near the company for your files.

Moving on to the next company you will notice that the same thing occurs and its risky since the hour you call is suggested which is near opening, and calling around noon as you may have noticed from the time you graduated school is lunch time and you'll most likely get a voice mail box in which may be full and you have better luck then to call back without the pressure of thinking if you should wait for them to return your voice mail or call back in an hour.  Either way you want to follow up on your application, or ask for an informational interview, and keep plugging away after hearing from several companies in two days that they are not hiring. 

Maybe all this is just the articles and research you have been reading about mixed with the news of the economy.  You know from experience that every company is different in handling their hiring procedures and the one that is a good match for you is the one that works for you. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mr. K The Inventor

The sun and rain hit the pavement hard right through the neighborhood trees.  It was the month of March and summer was just a long stretch of warmth coming to the door steps of rigid side walk on the north side of Chicago.  A quick charm twinkled behind broken bifocals taped up to the side of an elderly worker whose voice and experience for a sale were 8 decades in the making.

Mr. K wanted more, he enjoyed the lifestyle.  His busy mind was storming with ideas and with calm hands and a keen sense for negotiation. He was 2-4 business deals in with elevator contracts signed and hired contractors 2 months into implementation.  Two Chicago churches, one on the south side of Comiskey Park and one on east side of Skokie, Illinois is where these transportation devices were being built.  Day after day he spent at the sites keeping an eye on the progress of the elevator sales.

There wasn't a single day that went by that he would not think of his daughter who lived on out west, and his dreams of one day uniting in harmony away from the seeming estrangement from the long cold winters of Chicago and the difficult years of illness and old age.  There was no sign of sorrow or despair in the twinkling eyes of Mr. Kent.  His long life is spent building houses and some years instructing real estate courses.   He enjoyed the casinos in northwest shores of Lake Michigan.

His dinner buffet card at the casino was redeemed by VIP qualifications and Mr. Kent enjoys reading his horoscope and buying a lotto ticket.  It was the little things that counted most and often challenged young Geraldine and her ambitious and competitive spirit full of eagerness. Mr. Kent focused on sharpening her weaknesses and building her character as she floundered aimlessly into his office day after day.  There was a certain angle that his chairs needed to be facing, and nothing in his office could be touched with out his conscent.  It was office boot camp if there was one, and Geraldine found no solace in the other secretary. Then there was the one day Geraldine took the water container and watered the artificial plant just to see if Mr. Kent would notice her.  She knew the plant wasn't real and wanted to see if he knew that she knew and was doing it to show him that she wasn't the thing he expected her to be.  In other words she just wanted to show him to cool it, chill out, relax, and she began giggling to herself quietly.

"Stop on the way to buying my sandwich to the post office to drop off this my mail."  Mr. Kent instructed softly.

"Ok, " answered Geraldine.

Often Mr. Kent would have Geraldine repeat his instructions such as how he liked his coffee and sandwich and then made Geraldine repeat it every day back to him.  Most of the time he would let her go without a word and she would come back with the wrong coffee or sandwich order blaming the fast food restaurant servers.  She was very certain that she asked for the right instructions and eventually learned not to blame anyone and just to check the orders twice her self.

She often was instructed to hull around a big vacuum cleaner and vacuum the 1000 square foot office.  Then in between her confidence and certainty that this task was something she could complete on her own, Mr. Kent would interrupt her and tell her that she missed the spot over there and that she needed to move the vacuum in the manner and style he was moving it.  This often blew Geraldine's patience and over time adapted to strengthening her temper and moodiness from the little things that Mr. Kent spent time with her on during her time at his office.

The "Message to Garcia,"  was instructed for young Geraldine to read at home the first day she began working and learned not to speak about out of work stuff or ask questions about anything.  She was trained to write neater, pay attention to detail, and focus when she struggled so hard not to day dream while in Mr. Kent's presence.  She was quick to follow advice and choose her battles wisely when international phone services would keep her on hold or send her across the world while she was waiting to pay a bill for Mr. Kent.

When the fax machine had a paper jam or the computer internet was slow, she found it miserable to be accused of its problems week after week and yet responded gracefully most of the time to Mr. Kent's trusty remarks toward her.  When he would spend long moments on the telephone Geraldine would either step out of the office or finish up on a task such as creating business cards.  Mr. Kent sometimes sensed falsely that young Geraldine wasn't paying attention and would send her home without pay for the day until she put her foot down.

"You Mr. Kent will pay me for the day!"  She said assertively.

"I'm lowering your pay to $6.00. "  He stated.

Mr. Kent was a tall strong elderly in his early 80's with old fashion logic.  He was valued not for his personality, charm, or conduct but for his experience, patience, knowledge, wisdom, stability, kindness, loyalty, honesty, and wealth of integrity.  It was imaginable to know unless you were in his shoes what it was like to be Mr. Kent.  Geraldine was valued for her determination, diligence, loyalty, commitment, kindness, grace, charm, maturity, and for her sense of humor and good personality.  She was likeable in every way and that was why Mr. Kent enjoyed her company and tolerated her so easily.

Today My. K is snug away scurrying to get from point A to make point B in his fashion.  The underlying feelings of how to spell out what to say here are rocky.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It is never to late to start growing.

Its November 1, 2011 in Highland, Indiana.  Sleep wasn't pleasant last night, and I kept my eyes wide open planning and figuring out problems in bed.  Yesterdays Halloween party was short and sweet as
I arrived during the last hour of the party.  I ate more pizza, and a cream puff while sitting around a fire with my wonderful cousins Peter, Jack, and Victoria.  My cousin Mark left shortly as I arrived with his dad.  I wasn't prepared to see them I thought when I pulled to the curb to park.  My mind went blank, and I grew hostile to the environment after turning off the radio, and leaving behind my cell phone in the car.

As I began to parallel park between two big vans I heard a loud slap on the back of the car I was driving and it wasn't the van behind me it was my Aunt Cecil who told me not to move.  I felt my blood begin to curdle and sparks of rage in which I may have inherited from my dads style, burning up the surface of my skin.  Control yourself I wish I would have thought and probably didnt since I ignored her and just pulled out from between my snug parking job believing it would be the right thing to do.

The cold air and the smoky fire going out in the grill was pleasant for the occasion.  Time for that moment stood still, and the dark night carried me into listening to the wise cracks and jokes from my cousins and buckets of laughter with no surprise.  Upon leaving that night, I stoppped to walk with my young cousin Victoria and confidently told her I am turning out like my mom. I had subtle delirium tickling my words as I thought about how hard I tried for a few seasons to be the opposite of mother creating my own havoc and disaster upon my life.  Right away young Victoria an aspiring actress in theater told me that thats a good thing! "To be like your mother!"  She exclaimed.

I could write pages on my cousins and most likely will in my future as precious and wonderful and they are, and as we parted ways that night, I went to bed around 10:00p and was up all through the night from 3am until 6am calling friends, and my boyfriend until someone answered.  I was left imagining them all partying in costumes through the night of October 2011 without me.

Friday, June 24, 2011


One key that Al set out for her to lock up this morning.  It was the key that opened and locked the backdoor to his apartment in Chicago over forty minutes north from downtown.  After Al left with one instruction for a key Shay could feel her stomach knot up.  She lit up a broken cigarette that was broken at the filter about .2 milimeters from three drags. 

Usually she would tear the small piece off and put the larger piece into the remaining paper at the filter. Shays eye sight began to grow fuzzier as she took a seat from weakness of mind.  She began to grow light headed and dizzy too shaky to think of where she moved the key that he set by itself on the counter.  If only he had just put it on a keyring or put a post it under the key this wouldn't be happening again.

After all the trouble day after day Shay had with keys, why she thought distraughtly couldn't she solve just one thing, caring for her keys and those of others.  No wonder she lost her key making job at Sears she grunted to herself.  Shays temples were pulsing and her sight was getting worse more and more unfocused as the clock kept moving.  Anchored to an apartment that she wasn't used to a new start for the better her old patterns kept on her as weeds suffocating roses after too much rain.

"Dear God!"  Shay shouted.

No one could hear her.  If the anyone could outside hopefully they would learn a lesson not to get to the point of shouting to themselves she thought.  One black coated key that belonged to the last apartment owner misplaced and unseen.  Shays big dark green eyes grew more and more angry as she had no one else to blame but herself since she didn't lose them at home where she would utterly pretend her parents hid them.

She called Al at work the last person she would want to call and after ten minutes of shear panic and self control at its worst he called back to tell her they are on the dresser.  She knew that if she could retrace her steps possibly backtracking would help her find her key.  Shay was relieved that her anger subsided and she didn't want to throw anything and tear up the place as she told herself she wasn't in control. 

Everyday it was a different obstacle course just to find her keys or someone elses right before her big beautiful eyes underneath shiny black hair.  The keys were always underneath her big pudgey Spanish nose as her nostrils flare became still.  Today no tears fell and although later that day she may be constepated from the bowling ball of stress in her stomach from feelings of panic or dismay she knew after she found the key right where she moved it herself that she believed the lord removed her from insanity a year ago with sobriety and beautiful Shay found Als key to his backdoor.  Tomorrow Shay thought was another day and that todays troubles were enough to think about.

The End

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The V

There is a time and place for everything.  The roadway leading to the banquet hall only a mile from the house I grew up in was paved with success.  First I'd put gas in my tank and straighten out my clip on bow tie staying calm to stay cool in the hot summer afternoons.  Sweat kept my cold water glass full while the kitchen at work scurried to prep food and drinks for hundreds of wedding attenders.

A little eye liner and a pony tail to tidy up the appearance of a dozen or more.  My radio was full of fast paste ignore everything and get to work music.  One hand was on the steering wheel and the other one on a book of affirmations.  I felt awful.  Far from the comforts and routines of my life I focused on learning to learn how to : how to and there was hours on end of afterwork homework on programs and conference calls for work community groups world wide that I spent until I had no life at all.

Senseless Misery

Thirsty cities drowning miseries.