Sunday, March 25, 2012

Entry Level Hope

When college ended in 2003 I thought that would be the end of me.  As I watched all the dorms pass by on my way back to Chicago I wondered what the problem was doing to me.  Trying to catch the issues, and fix the issues of destiny sucked.  It is an impossible feat and stead of misery and being caught in the middle of it is trouble and you learn along the way that there is no stopping it so don't look for something to blame. 

People will learn hopefully of charity.  The noise of lies will drown out love if you let it my mom told me.  I'm through talking about college.  It was over ten years ago this stead of college duties.  Don't reinvent the wheel are my piece on advice. Maybe you won't be able to help it and you think you are doing great but once you start, well look at me now typing in a blog how lame.

Remember Eyor the gray donkey ?  "It'll never work."  He says.  Well that was the Vibrant Pooh's best pal and so if you want to be Pooh or E.  then remember there colors of connection.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Importance of an Education

While we stride and stroll we need to rock and roll as well to get into the workforce.  An education will bring the journey for you to your knees.  The mountains of job applications from the galaxys of employers that orbit your mind need to come home or you will be swept into The Black Hole of unemployment.   The class structure brings a team together to get used to team work.  The teacher shows us the furture boss similarities.  The deck of cards are in your hands. The song House of Cards  by Radio Head inspired me to write that last sentence.  Don't let your dreams be swept away, since many of them are forgotten along the way, they will still live in you somehow. 

While compliments will come for you at the right time and place, and frankness will move you into a more productive day, it is an education that will be inside you and ready to reach for what you need to get you where you need to go to feed your ideas, goals, dreams, and hopes. 

Acknowledgings and thanking those people in your life along the way will always be there so it'll never be to late for that.  We are strong willed people and an education will break us in the right places while God watches.  Books are a good source, people, and places yet only you can drink as you are led to the water. 


The Skyies the Limit

Sometime in 2003 during my graduation ceromony, two things I listened to were to serve, and that the sky was the limit.  Beyond the college years and advice job ads gave me a new lifestyle.  Reading the want ads all over the country twisted and turned my resume for years.  I blew up my email with resumes to jobs requiring submission of cover letter and resumes.  Buying books of stamps to mail out the instructed mailing of resumes and or cover letters became second nature.

Interview articles, videos, and job networking advice on interviews gave my mom and I new wardrobe ideas every year, and thousands of dollars in shoes and uniforms.  As you can see the career of change starts at home.

The Skys the Limit

The Skies the Limit

When the last year came for us college students at Indiana University, there was a sense of freedom like nothing that could be imagined by anyone else in the universe.  There was electricity in the air that covered the sky June 2003.  If it was raining we didn't know and if it was a day of sunshine we didn't care.  It was time.  From Freshman year to Senior Year students were prepared and trained through courses, tests, papers, and books to launch into the workforce with a career rolled out for us at our feet.  No matter what life brings students are able to pick up dust themselves off and continue on a journey of a career path where the skies the limit.  We were told that service is number one. 


In circles I turn with seasons.  If you made it to this part of the blog you will see that writing is obediance and a discipline of practice to choose to do for a focused reader.  Mistakes.  Mistakes?   Okay lets just go over the parts of wholeness.  First, organization and to be organized means to have maybe no coffee or other stains on you job application.  Organization and neatness could mean cleanliness which is a virtue along with patience and peace.  Lets see the connection:  When you go into a place of employment to ask for a job, depending on the time in your life you may change your wardrobe, your hair, and maybe your jewelry around but the application for work never changes.

Sometimes you will bite off more than you can chew and so I've been advised to just spit it out.  For example,  your life may seem big and out of order but it real isn't because you can only do one thing at a time.  I read this from a .95 cent pamplet called Acceptance but read what you want.  Back to the job application if you are like me you will be sure that the more you hand out the more jobs will pour on you and water your unemployment garden and that will be a job in itself.

What is a job?  That is a whole other blog and lets just end this blog saying that filling out a paper copy of a job application can require a lot of information that is always the same:  Your full name and high school or GED information, personal or work references which will change sometimes.  You'll be asked if you attended a trade school or correspondence school and if you committed a crime.  Military service is also a part of the job application. 

Then on tiny little lines you will squeeze in the former employers starting with the most present and the dates, addresses, name, salary, position, duties, and reason for leaving each employer.  Here you will most likely need to take a small break before starting this section to get a cup of water or a breather then very neatly and small write in the most valueable answers to all these areas of job information requested.  On the back side if you don't get a survey or additional paperwork of approval mostly questions about you, you just sign then at the bottom after reading authorization passages which can run longer than you pen or computer time limit before erasing the entire application.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Once Upon an Employee

My mom, college career counselor from IUN, IU SPEA Career Development Office, and many others of different experiences related to circles of career avenues will share with you the natures of change and growth as you go through it yourself to focus on your straight path so to speak.  Years will pass depending on your choices and thought process which sounds cut and dry because it is so to write.  "Live through this with me and I swear that I will die for you."  Courtney Love, Doll Parts. 

That song sums up the walk of the workforce in a artistic sense of the 90's sped up into the millenium.  (awkward moment)  ok back to mom.  Yes,  moving home can rip you right out of the clouds and into reality and that is vital for maturity and balance maybe for some.  Lists and lists of employers to apply to can get very tedious at times, and an interview and slip through your fingers if you decide to do one small thing.  I've driven myself up a wall wondering too much about that. Cutting corners is well known to areas of life that maybe need to be cut such as too many job applications.  For instance, I began to notice coffee stains on my job applications, and speedy hand writing.  I've misplaced myjob references many times along with job adresses, and salaries. 

The consistancy has been in my SSC, name, education, reason for leaving employers, and signature.  Usually I will write open for salary, and start of date or schedule listing.  Many areas have been constants in my job applications such as these areas along with work authorization yes and no Q's. 

The winds were cool and the skies were gray in Texas the week grandfathers funeral was being held.  The companies Human Resources Department  allowed the call for a potential employee to get a chance of an interview.  The interview was short after a handful of phone calls to the HR that ranged for a couple months with several other instructions from them to be followed about the resume and interview set up times to come in.

The moment the interview was approved the relief was coloring in the pale face of an eager employee whose heart was for the Lord.  Everything flashed before the new employees eyes the one out of three jobs held in good chances for hire finally brought her in with open arms and training!  It was all so fast suddenly and the new employee felt somehow stronger and never more thankful.

Back home for one and half months another employee with potential is thanked for her hard work, brought in for evaluations to areas of where to be improved and is recognized as hard working and with strong scores in certain areas of the position and other areas needing work with only two more months of evaluation before they decide the trained employee is ready and grown in work performance improvement.

Month two begins and many new problems arise and the employees uncle dies in Texas. The death effects the employee more than imagined and work performance at the moment she is to be improving wanes and slips powerlessly through the new trainee and sadly the employee feels more and more frightened and discouraged keeping hope for getting through another week just another week closer to finishing her improvements as new training tasks are being brought in her efforts to show learning and eagerness to improve her areas that need correction.

One one shift when the family come home from an uncles funeral the family is then effected a few days upon return that a job is terminated.  A missed area of improvement was the reason for the once eager and quickly waning employee who had no idea that those little areas of the day such as following the rules, communication, and possible keeping the washed uniform and lunches going consistently were so important for maybe just one more week with no excuses.